Executive Chairman of the Board

Mr. Yariv, 44, brings over 20 years of successful executive experience in the medical industry. Mr. Yariv was part of the founding group of breathID an Oridion Medical (now Medtronic) business unit and subsequent spin off company BreathID Inc. (now Exalenz Bioscience) which develops and manufactures advanced non-invasive diagnostic medical devices for gastrointestinal and liver conditions. Mr. Yariv also co-founded and was CEO of Simutec, a medical simulation and training company that develops and commercializes advanced personalized virtual reality training programs for physicians, Hospitals, Private and Governmental Healthcare Organizations.

Prior to his nomination as Chairman of the corporation, Mr. Yariv served as President & COO of Cannabics Pharmaceuticals.

Mr. Yariv is actively engaged in non-profit and philanthropic activities including ongoing business mentoring of entrepreneurs, founder and CEO of the Yariv Foundation for Leadership, and current member of the Friends of the Israel Museum Society.

Mr. Yariv holds a BA Cum Laude from Boston University in Philosophy, Political Science and History.

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